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时间:2023-08-13 05:57:04人气:510 作者:未知


Hayao miyazaki in my heart I can't remember when the name no longer strange about hayao miyazaki, high school? Junior middle school? May be more early! But certainly the first have feelings for him because his name was read feel very good to listen. The Japanese name are so, first and last name sequence and China same, but most of the Japanese surnames are made by two or more words combination becomes. So little time for Japanese name or have a special love inside. Although be in childhood, but by that time, the name has near-far hayao miyazaki well-known, because of information transmission is not well developed, I know very little about hayao miyazaki, only know he's living in that remote volcano countries, and the old man hangs over the lingering mystery. Have a computer at home etc later, finally has a chance to appreciate his work, see first is the offspring of sniper, and from then on he shall not charge. I was so he convinced by MaHangKong imagination that day, watching his animation film, is a kind of charm, a kind of happiness. Due to the worship of from the in the mind, so I started to pay attention to the old man, also gradually know whom ghibli, know long stone let. Now, almost hayao miyazaki's each film, I have seen the valley from the heart, "to" the cat's gratitude, "from" the red pig "to" ever-changing LiMao ", from "qianhe" to "goldfish princess, 25 years in the past, long stone made music still let so perfect, hayao miyazaki's animated world remains a linger. If you can, wish two people can always go for our cooperation, continue to weave the fairy tale "time". Hayao miyazaki's animated world Both childhood or college students now sees a shape, hayao miyazaki's animated, will initiation want to become the impulse of his characters thoughts. Some may say I naive, but I believe that those who saw hayao miyazaki works like me who will have the feeling. Dreams of sitting in gliding wings leap wind through the valley of ancient underground station, into magic soup house, with talking black cat ride broom to find their own city... Such naive idea could only be looking at palace type animation will appear right, hayao miyazaki's animated charm in this cannot reproduce, has also cannot transcend touched and beautiful. Say one reason, I think it's because there is a old heart hayao miyazaki. Although a hoary old man smite, but he never the main character creation are girls. A story is all around them to launch, and rarely have the ups and downs of the plot, and no complicated relationship, but the characters of hayao miyazaki exquisite brushwork always can let those insipid story become wonderful. Many of his stories were associated with life in his animation, but you can't see reality squalor and vulgar, all the noise in the beautiful blend in nature, became music, the human ugly disappeared in peace between neighborhoods. His world won't have not harmonious notes, will only like a fairy tale as fascinating. So in nearly two hours of the shadow time, present views in front of you good will let you Yong scattered, let you intoxicated. In imperceptible in, would you still regain8 many things.


There was once upon a time a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a piss pot near the sea. Every day the fisherman went out fishing, and he fished a long time. Once he was sitting there fishing and looking into the clear water when his hook went to the bottom, deep down, and when he pulled it out, he had caught a large flounder. Then the flounder said to him, "I beg you to let me live. I am not an ordinary flounder, but an enchanted prince. Put me back into the water, and let me swim."

人教版小学五年级上册和六年级下册的英语单词 急我是北京的 要北京出版社的 是word list(1)的单词 急用 如果对的话我给加分 书又丢了 别人也没有 对不起 我看错了 不是人教版 英语书的

Unit 1 A new term
三会单词:Science科学,自然科学Social Science社会科学Computer Studies计算机课程interesting有趣的minus减well[用于接话语或表示犹豫、惊讶或同意等]恩,哎呀tell告诉;讲述at once立刻,马上er[表示说话时犹豫、沉吟等]哦Saturday星期六Sunday 星期天trick窍门;诡计
Unit 2 A telephone call
四会单词:her[用作宾语]她speak说,讲bad坏的,严重的get变的;得到;购买feel感觉,觉的cold伤风,感冒fine健康的,极好的wrong有毛病的,不正常的What’s wrong with you?你什么地方不舒服?
三会单词:call通话,打给…why为什么absent缺席stay停留,呆stay in bed待在床上hear听到,听见hope希望better好些soon不久,很快still仍然,还take服用medicine药headache头痛cough咳嗽fev er发烧toothache牙痛 earache耳痛backache背痛stomach ache胃痛say说,讲rest休息number数字choose选择
Unit 3 Hobbies
四会单词:collect收集stamp邮票many许多ship船,轮船go shopping购物every每一aunt伯母;舅母;婶;姨;姑uncle叔;伯;舅;姑父;姨夫
三会单词:hobby业余爱好(复数hobbies) beautiful美丽的,漂亮的classmate同班同学Chinese的;人的animal动物take photos拍照coin硬币grow种植keep饲养goldfish金鱼clothes衣服water浇水same相同的
Unit4 An English friend
四会单词:e-mail电子邮件busy忙(碌)的 town城镇,城usually通常well好fast快地;快的high高地;高的from从;来自from…to …从……到……
三会单词:age年龄surf浏览;在网上冲浪 Internet互联网,英特网London伦敦loudly大声地beautifully美地carefully小心地,仔细地quietly安静地,静静地cannot=can’t不能
Unit 6 At a PE lesson
三会单词:follow遵照;服从order[常用复数]命令line排,行exercise锻炼;做操up向上;起来down向下up and down上下stop停;停止lie躺lie on one's back仰躺back背lift up抬起with以;用;随身knee膝盖bend使弯曲everybody每人,人人neck颈,脖子shoulder肩膀finger手指toe脚趾
Unit 7 A busy day
三会单词:yet尚;还brush刷tooth牙齿(复数teeth)with以;用;随身a quarter一刻钟,四分之一on duty值日quick快的;快地
Unit 8 At the weekends
三会单词:talk about谈论of course当然cartoon卡通ant蚂蚁bee蜜蜂butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓firefly萤火虫grasshopper蚱蜢cricket蟋蟀cicada蝉insect昆虫glow发光carry运,搬other别的;其余的primary school小学(special特别的)group组;群brave勇敢的fight打架people人,人们
Unit 9 The English club
四会单词:British英国人America(USA)美国French法语;法国(人)的city城市visit访问;参观American美国人;美国(人)的Japan日本Japanese日本人;日本(人)的;日语France法国England (UK)英格兰;英国(人)的
三会单词:club俱乐部visitor来访者;参观者New York纽约different不同的country国家Chinese人Australia澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人travel旅行around在…….周围 housewife家庭主妇story故事him他(he的宾格)


这是我以前挑出来,留下的日语app,其实也没怎么用。第一个可以看视频。建议找个会日语的来教你,自己买本书。日语歌的话听自己喜欢的风格,我喜欢古风。比较喜欢的几首:万物初始之风(はじまりの風)特别喜欢这首;愛の五十音,比较可爱的类似于字母歌哈哈,初学五十音可以听;風の記憶,挺喜欢的很温柔的歌;聆玖daze的 孟姜女,喜欢;沙椤双树;Let it go 日语版ありのままで~;鎮命歌—しずめうた—;百恋歌,炒鸡好听!夏夕空,也很好听!花のあと。还有下面这几首听不了的。另外推荐触宝输入法中日英切换超级方便



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